kc Communities That cares Inititaves

Backpack Program for Students – This program helps to provide supplemental food over weekends to youth who might not get enough to eat regularly. No child is ready to learn in school when he/she is hungry. We believe no child in our community should be hungry. We coordinate the program for the Karns City Area School District.
Free Laundry Day – This program offers our youth and their families the necessities needed to do laundry at the community laundromat, including the coins to run the machines. Our goal is to host this event two to three times per year. We believe every child should have a chance to wear clean clothes.
Positive Action – Taking place in grades K-6 in both of our elementary schools, this program has amazing results in reducing problem behaviors of many areas of young people’s lives. Students receive between 50 and 144 brief lessons through the year to promote positive choices and lifestyles.
Strengthening Families 10-14-Caregivers and their 10-14-year olds learn together in this program to increase family bonding and problem-solving while reducing substance use and other problem behaviors.
LifeSkills Training-This program is being offered to 7thnd 8th graders at Karns City High School not only to prevent tobacco, alcohol, and drug abuse but also teaches the skills necessary to:
*Increase self-esteem
*Increase decision making and problem -solving
*Communicate effectively
*Manage anxiety and many more important skills.
Free Community Thanksgiving Dinner – In 2020 we plan to host our 6th annual Free Thanksgiving dinner to help make sure that every family in the community can have a nice Thanksgiving Dinner together. We also provide crafts/games for children and more!
Inspiring Gremlins- Our youth group at KCHS promotes positive messaging, holds activities to promote healthy behaviors, and seeks to reduce problem youth behavior such as bullying.